Side Dish

Knowledge, resources and nutrition to help you create a strong and energized body and mind.

Spice-Inspired Guacamole

Spice-Inspired Guacamole

While not your traditional guacamole, even die-hard fans of the conventional variety feel surprised by how much they love this Ayurvedic...

Every Day Salad Dressing

Every Day Salad Dressing

A little bit of Ayurveda every day can help you heal your body, skyrocket your energy, and gain an invaluable understanding of your body,...

Miso Ginger Sesame Sauce

Miso Ginger Sesame Sauce

This dressing tastes delicious over salad greens, dark leafy greens, steamed vegetables, and as a dipping sauce for spring rolls or sushi....

Black Sesame Gomasio

Black Sesame Gomasio

Loaded with protein, fiber, calcium, and nutrients, black sesame seeds are Ayurvedic superstars. These beauties strengthen the eyes and...

Homemade Walnut Butter

Homemade Walnut Butter

Making your own nut butter is crazy, amazing good and a truly satisfying experience. You won’t believe how good this tastes and how easy...

California Kraut Salad

California Kraut Salad

Massage raw kale with mineral-rich salt and lemon juice to tenderize the kale leaves and makes them easy to digest. I leave the stems...

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